my grammar could hit the target from that distance

The revolution has begun. No longer will we put up with dodgy speeling, misplaced apostrophes' or improper; punctuation? P.S. pointing out bad grammar in postings is banned. To justify this I'm applying a form of grammatical 'absolute privilege', as the public interest in publishing mistakes far outweighs the cost to the public of making further mistakes. Call me a hypocrite if you will, but it works in Westminster.

Monday, June 12, 2006

my grammar could hit the target from that distance

my grammar could hit the target from that distance

As my phone is sans camera I'm going to have to describe this:

Yesterday my girlfriend went to Co-Op to get some BBQ food. She returned with a packet of beefburgers that said on the packet: "100% Beef bugers (99% Beef, 1% Seasoning).
