my grammar could hit the target from that distance

The revolution has begun. No longer will we put up with dodgy speeling, misplaced apostrophes' or improper; punctuation? P.S. pointing out bad grammar in postings is banned. To justify this I'm applying a form of grammatical 'absolute privilege', as the public interest in publishing mistakes far outweighs the cost to the public of making further mistakes. Call me a hypocrite if you will, but it works in Westminster.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Coulthard takes pole position

Sorry for the headline pun Charissa, but thanks for the cracking grammar spots.

"Oooh yeah, I like these ones," Robbie said while rubbing his thighs. Spelling mistakes are even better than misplaced apostrophes in my opinion. Keep 'em coming.

Some would say that finding a mistake in the Guardian is like finding an rosary on the pope. Those people are idiots. There's nothing more satisfying than pointing out an petty mistake in an smug berliner newspaper. Though they did give us those nice awards.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Welcome's to the jungle

A special thanks to Dafydd for this little beauty spotted in Spain. I hope I will be forgiven for quoting directly: "I like the mistake mostly because it's so gratuitous: there's no indication of possession, nor is there a plural involved. It's just an ordinary verb with an apostrophe plonked in the middle."

I feel a special award should be given for the largest or most blatant mistake, i.e. the one on the largest sign. I saw a 3m x 1m Morrison's (Morrisons'?) sign offering "1000's of price cuts". Alas, no camera at the time though. Next time gadget.